To know if a university is truly the right fit, one must see it to believe it!  During your time in Boston, The College Advantage will take you to explore many standout academic institutions in Boston and have the opportunity to visit universities in New York, as well. One of the most important decisions of your life may be the college or university you attend, which means these visits are essential to the college selection process. College is a complete growth experience and is as much personal as it is academic. The size of the school, its location, whether it’s public or private, urban or rural will all impact your collegiate experience. The school you choose and the relationships you develop there will surely shape your future, which is why The College Advantage goes to great lengths to provide our students the opportunity to experience and tour so many schools firsthand.

During your stay in Boston, you’ll tour:

  • Tufts University
  • Harvard University
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Dartmouth
  • MIT

New York College Tour Extension (Optional) $1,295

Extend your College Advantage experience by three days!

  • Columbia University
  • New York University
  • Yale
“Boston is an awesome place to be in the summer and The College Advantage is a great program! You meet great people and have a lot of fun and learn a lot touring the college campuses.”

Joe M. / California